
20mph Speed Limit Quiz

How familiar are you with the evidence on reducing urban speed limits from 30mph to 20mph?

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  1. Increased speeds cause more severe injuries in collisions:

  2. When vehicles are going too fast for conditions or exceeding the speed limit

  3. Reducing average speeds by 1mph typically reduces urban casualty numbers:

  4. by 3 percent
    by 6 percent
    by 9 percent

  5. Reducing the urban speed limit from 30mph to 20mph:

  6. increases pollution
    reduces pollution
    makes no significant difference to pollution

  7. If a car journey in Inner London takes 30 minutes in a 30 mph zone:

  8. In a 20 mph zone it would take the same time
    In a 20 mph zone it would take 33 minutes
    In a 20 mph zone it would take 45 minutes

  9. Typical average vehicle speed over long distance in an Inner London 30mph zone is:

  10. 10mph

  11. Typical maximum speed between traffic lights in an Inner London 30mph zone is:

  12. 12mph

  13. Minimum measures required by Department for Transport for 20mph areas:

  14. 20mph signs and roundels on the road surface
    20mph signs plus chicanes or speed bumps
    20mph signs and speed cameras

  15. Number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in Westminster in 2014:

  16. 38

  17. Proportion of all 1825 Westminster road casualties in 2014 who were pedestrians, cyclists, or motor-cyclists:

  18. 30 percent
    50 percent
    70 percent

  19. Westminster is one of six boroughs partly in the Central London congestion zone (the others: Camden, City of London, Islington, Lambeth, Southwark):

  20. 3 of them have or are committed to 20mph default limit
    4 of them have or are committed to 20mph default limit
    Westminster is the only one not planning a 20mph default limit

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